EvolvingBehavior  0.2.0
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 BTTaskBlueprintable_MoveTo.hExtends BTTask_MoveTo to make it blueprintable, so you can subclass it in blueprint and set default values for its properties
 CrossoverProbabilityParamMod.hModifies probability of crossover mutators
 ExperimentManagementActor.hManages the flow of experiments (sets up the experiment, acts on experiment completion). For instance, can be used to set up a sequence of experiments to tune parameters
 GridSearchExperimentManagementActor.hManages the flow of experiments to grid search over experiment parameters
 MultiRunNoOpModifier.hDoes no actual parameter modification, so you can just re-run the rest of the modifiers multiple times for random initial condition restarts
 PointProbabilityParamMod.hModifies probability of point mutators
 SequentialParameterModifier.hManages modification of a particular parameter over a sequence
 ServiceInjector.hA service injector which provides relevant collection to different mutators
 EvolutionControlActor.hThe EvolutionControlActor owns the components that set up and control EvolvingBehavior experiments
 LifeCycleActor.hIs the LifeCycle settings and passes them to the appropriate managers