EvolvingBehavior  0.2.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CBlackboardKeyGeneratedPropertyA class representing a blackboard key property of a generated node
 CBoolGeneratedPropertyA class representing a boolean property of a generated node
 CBTChromosomeUtilsHelpful utility functions for our chromosomes
 CFloatGeneratedPropertyA class representing a float property of a generated node
 CFMutatorInfoA reproducer that randomly mutates its reproduced nodes at some defined probabilities
 CFNodeMapIDThe ID for a Behavior Tree node in the NodeMapper
 CFPopulationRegA registration of an ID and associated Behavior Tree
 CGeneratedPropertyAn abstract class representing any type of property of a generated node
 CIFitnessUpdaterAn interface for objects that send fitness events to the FitnessTracker
 CIntGeneratedPropertyA class representing an integer property of a generated node
 CUAddGeneratedDecoratorToCompositeMutatorAdds a random generated decorator from the TemplateCollection to a random ChildContainerGene which contains a composite node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddGeneratedDecoratorToTaskMutatorAdds a random generated decorator from the TemplateCollection to a random ChildContainerGene which contains a task node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddGeneratedServiceToCompositeMutatorAdds a random generated service node from the TemplateCollection to a random composite node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddGeneratedServiceToTaskMutatorAdds a random generated service node from the TemplateCollection to a random task node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddGeneratedTaskMutatorAdds a random generated task node from the TemplateCollection to a random composite node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddMappedCompositeMutatorAdds a random composite node from the NodeMapper to the chromosome. This will be inserted under a random composite node gene in the chromosome already, or under the root node if none exist
 CUAddMappedDecoratorToCompositeMutatorAdds a random decorator node from the NodeMapper to a random ChildContainerGene which holds a composite node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddMappedDecoratorToTaskMutatorAdds a random decorator node from the NodeMapper to a random ChildContainerGene which holds a task node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddMappedServiceToCompositeMutatorAdds a random service node from the NodeMapper to a random composite node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddMappedServiceToTaskMutatorAdds a random service node from the NodeMapper to a random task node in the chromosome, if one exists
 CUAddMappedTaskMutatorAdds a random task node from the NodeMapper to a randome composite node in the chromosome, or to the root if none exist
 CUAddRandomDecoratorToCompositeMutatorAdds a random decorator to a random ChildContainerGene which holds a composite node in the chromosome, if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUAddRandomDecoratorToTaskMutatorAdds a random decorator to a random ChildContainerGene which holds a task node in the chromosome, if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUAddRandomServiceToCompositeMutatorAdds a random service to a random composite node in the chromosome. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUAddRandomServiceToTaskMutatorAdds a random service to a random task node in the chromosome. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUAddRandomTaskMutatorAdds a random task node to the chromosome. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUBehaviorTreeToGeneConverterConverts a Behavior Tree to a Chromosome for evolution
 CUBehaviorTreeUtilsA class containing utility functions related to Unreal Engine Behavior Trees
 CUBTChildContainerGeneA child wrapper object that contains either a Task or Composite gene, and its decorators
 CUBTChromosomeA chromosome stores the information about a Behavior Tree in its entirety
 CUBTCompositeNodeGeneThe abstract base class of genes representing Composite nodes, which contain other nodes
 CUBTDecoratorGeneThe abstract base class representing Decorators nodes
 CUBTEvolutionManagerComponentManages the settings for evolution
 CUBTGeneratedDecoratorGeneA Decorator gene which can have its internal structure mutated
 CUBTGeneratedServiceGeneA Service gene which can have its internal structure mutated
 CUBTGeneratedTaskGeneA Task gene which can have its internal structure mutated
 CUBTGeneratedTemplateLibraryStores node templates for generated nodes to use. The generated node counterpart to the NodeMapper. See Representation->BTGenerated[type]Gene to learn more about generated nodes
 CUBTMappedCompositeGeneA Composite gene that refers to a template node in the NodeMapper. See BTCompositeNodeGene.h to read about their function
 CUBTMappedDecoratorGeneA Decorator gene that refers to a template node in the NodeMapper. See BTDecoratorGene.h to read about their function
 CUBTMappedServiceGeneA Service gene that refers to a template node in the NodeMapper. See BTServiceGene.h to read about their function
 CUBTMappedTaskGeneA Task gene that refers to a template node in the NodeMapper. See BTTaskNodeGene.h to learn about their function
 CUBTNodeGeneThe abstract base class for all genes that represent behavior tree nodes
 CUBTServiceGeneThe abstract base class representing Service nodes, which live below other nodes
 CUBTTaskNodeGeneThe abstract base class for genes representing Task nodes, which are leaves of the behavior tree
 CUBTTemplateCollectionA collection of template Behavior Trees for initial population and additional node randomization
 CUChromosomeToBTConverterConverts a UBTChromosome into to an Unreal Behavior Tree
 CUCrossoverMutatorWhen applied to a chromosome, this chooses a second random chromosome to 'crossover' with. A random node in each is chosen, and the node in this chromosome is replaced by the node from the selected chromosome, along with everything under it
 CUDepthBiasedCrossoverMutatorThis performs the same function as CrossoverMutator. However the depth within the behavior tree that nodes are selected from is biased towards a variable set in the editor
 CUEvolvingBehaviorBlueprintLibraryHelpful utility functions for using EvolvingBehavior in blueprints
 CUFitnessA fitness tracker, containing keys mapped to fitness values per key
 CUFitnessCalculatorAn abstract base class for calculating fitness scores from a tracked Fitness object
 CUFitnessTrackerTracks fitness for all members of a population. Can be asked for a fitness score
 CULinearWeightFitnessCalculatorCalculates a data-driven linear combination of fitness values
 CUMutatorAn abstract base class for a Mutator that changes a Chromosome in some way
 CUNodeMapperKeeps a mapping of IDs to template BehaviorTree nodes
 CUParentSelectorAn abstract base class for selecting parents
 CUPerturbPropertyInDecoratorMutatorRandomly modifies a property value in a generated decorator node
 CUPerturbPropertyInServiceMutatorRandomly modifies a property value in a generated service node
 CUPerturbPropertyInTaskMutatorRandomly modifies a property value in a generated task node
 CUPopulationManagerTracks the population as a set of trials over time, providing information to individual members as appropriate
 CURandomGenProvides an easy wrapper for random number generation
 CURemoveGeneratedDecoratorMutatorRemoves a random generated decorator node from the chromosome if one exists
 CURemoveGeneratedServiceMutatorRemoves a random generated service node from the chromosome if one exists
 CURemoveGeneratedTaskMutatorRemoves a random generated task node from the chromosome if one exists
 CURemoveMappedCompositeMutatorRemoves a random mapped composite node from the chromosome if one exists
 CURemoveMappedDecoratorMutatorRemoves a random mapped decorator node from the chromosome if one exists
 CURemoveMappedServiceMutatorRemoves a random mapped service node from the chromosome if one exists
 CURemoveMappedTaskMutatorRemoves a random mapped task node from the chromosome if one exists
 CURemoveRandomDecoratorMutatorRemoves a random decorator node from the chromosome if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CURemoveRandomServiceMutatorRemoves a random service node from the chromosome if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CURemoveRandomTaskMutatorRemoves a random task node from the chromosome if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUReplaceGeneratedDecoratorMutatorReplaces a random generated decorator node in the chromosome with a random one from the TemplateCollection
 CUReplaceGeneratedServiceMutatorReplaces a random generated service node in the chromosome with a random one from the TemplateCollection
 CUReplaceGeneratedTaskMutatorReplaces a random generated task node in the chromosome with a random one from the TemplateCollection
 CUReplaceMappedCompositeMutatorReplaces a random composite node in the chromosome with a random one from the NodeMapper
 CUReplaceMappedDecoratorMutatorReplaces a random decorator node in the chromosome with a random one from the NodeMapper
 CUReplaceMappedServiceMutatorReplaces a random service node in the chromosome with a random one from the NodeMapper
 CUReplaceMappedTaskMutatorReplaces a random task node in the chromosome with a random one from the node mapper
 CUReplaceRandomDecoratorMutatorReplaces a random decortor node in the node mapper. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUReplaceRandomServiceMutatorReplaces a random service node in the node mapper. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUReplaceRandomTaskMutatorReplaces a random task node in the node mapper. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor
 CUReproducerThe abstract base class for reproducing chromosomes into children
 CUServiceAn abstract service class
 CUSingleIDFitnessUpdaterAn implementation of IFitnessUpdater for objects that send fitness events about a single ID to the FitnessTracker
 CUTopNFitnessSelectorDeterministically selects the top N most-fit individuals as parents
 CUTournamentSelectorAn implementation of tournament selection, with a variable to set the number of members who participate in the tournament
 CUTrialTracks the population for a single generation/trial