CAEvolutionControlActor | |
CAExperimentManagementActor | |
CAGridSearchExperimentManagementActor | |
CALifeCycleActor | |
CBlackboardKeyGeneratedProperty | A class representing a blackboard key property of a generated node |
CBoolGeneratedProperty | A class representing a boolean property of a generated node |
CBTChromosomeUtils | Helpful utility functions for our chromosomes |
CBTTaskBlueprintable_MoveTo | |
CCrossoverProbabilityParamMod | |
CEvolvingBehavior | |
CExperimentManagementActor | |
CFEvolvingBehaviorModule | |
CFloatGeneratedProperty | A class representing a float property of a generated node |
CFMutatorInfo | A reproducer that randomly mutates its reproduced nodes at some defined probabilities |
CFNodeMapID | The ID for a Behavior Tree node in the NodeMapper |
CFParentFitnessInfo | |
CFPopulationReg | A registration of an ID and associated Behavior Tree |
CFSavedObjectData | |
CFSaveObjectArchive | |
CFServiceWrapper | |
CGeneratedProperty | An abstract class representing any type of property of a generated node |
CGridSearchExperimentManagementActor | |
CIFitnessUpdater | An interface for objects that send fitness events to the FitnessTracker |
CIntGeneratedProperty | A class representing an integer property of a generated node |
CIPropertyOwner | |
CISaveable | |
CMultiRunNoOpModifier | |
CPointProbabilityParamMod | |
CSequentialParameterModifier | |
CUAddGeneratedDecoratorToCompositeMutator | Adds a random generated decorator from the TemplateCollection to a random ChildContainerGene which contains a composite node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddGeneratedDecoratorToTaskMutator | Adds a random generated decorator from the TemplateCollection to a random ChildContainerGene which contains a task node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddGeneratedServiceToCompositeMutator | Adds a random generated service node from the TemplateCollection to a random composite node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddGeneratedServiceToTaskMutator | Adds a random generated service node from the TemplateCollection to a random task node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddGeneratedTaskMutator | Adds a random generated task node from the TemplateCollection to a random composite node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddMappedCompositeMutator | Adds a random composite node from the NodeMapper to the chromosome. This will be inserted under a random composite node gene in the chromosome already, or under the root node if none exist |
CUAddMappedDecoratorToCompositeMutator | Adds a random decorator node from the NodeMapper to a random ChildContainerGene which holds a composite node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddMappedDecoratorToTaskMutator | Adds a random decorator node from the NodeMapper to a random ChildContainerGene which holds a task node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddMappedServiceToCompositeMutator | Adds a random service node from the NodeMapper to a random composite node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddMappedServiceToTaskMutator | Adds a random service node from the NodeMapper to a random task node in the chromosome, if one exists |
CUAddMappedTaskMutator | Adds a random task node from the NodeMapper to a randome composite node in the chromosome, or to the root if none exist |
CUAddRandomDecoratorToCompositeMutator | Adds a random decorator to a random ChildContainerGene which holds a composite node in the chromosome, if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUAddRandomDecoratorToTaskMutator | Adds a random decorator to a random ChildContainerGene which holds a task node in the chromosome, if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUAddRandomServiceToCompositeMutator | Adds a random service to a random composite node in the chromosome. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUAddRandomServiceToTaskMutator | Adds a random service to a random task node in the chromosome. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUAddRandomTaskMutator | Adds a random task node to the chromosome. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUBehaviorTreeAssetSaver | |
CUBehaviorTreeToGeneConverter | Converts a Behavior Tree to a Chromosome for evolution |
CUBehaviorTreeUtils | A class containing utility functions related to Unreal Engine Behavior Trees |
CUBlackboardKeyGeneratedProperty | |
CUBoolGeneratedProperty | |
CUBTChildContainerGene | A child wrapper object that contains either a Task or Composite gene, and its decorators |
CUBTChromosome | A chromosome stores the information about a Behavior Tree in its entirety |
CUBTCompositeNodeGene | The abstract base class of genes representing Composite nodes, which contain other nodes |
CUBTDecoratorGene | The abstract base class representing Decorators nodes |
CUBTEvolutionManagerComponent | Manages the settings for evolution |
CUBTGeneratedDecoratorGene | A Decorator gene which can have its internal structure mutated |
CUBTGeneratedServiceGene | A Service gene which can have its internal structure mutated |
CUBTGeneratedTaskGene | A Task gene which can have its internal structure mutated |
CUBTGeneratedTemplateLibrary | Stores node templates for generated nodes to use. The generated node counterpart to the NodeMapper. See Representation->BTGenerated[type]Gene to learn more about generated nodes |
CUBTMappedCompositeGene | A Composite gene that refers to a template node in the NodeMapper. See BTCompositeNodeGene.h to read about their function |
CUBTMappedDecoratorGene | A Decorator gene that refers to a template node in the NodeMapper. See BTDecoratorGene.h to read about their function |
CUBTMappedServiceGene | A Service gene that refers to a template node in the NodeMapper. See BTServiceGene.h to read about their function |
CUBTMappedTaskGene | A Task gene that refers to a template node in the NodeMapper. See BTTaskNodeGene.h to learn about their function |
CUBTNodeGene | The abstract base class for all genes that represent behavior tree nodes |
CUBTServiceGene | The abstract base class representing Service nodes, which live below other nodes |
CUBTTaskBlueprintable_MoveTo | |
CUBTTaskNodeGene | The abstract base class for genes representing Task nodes, which are leaves of the behavior tree |
CUBTTemplateCollection | A collection of template Behavior Trees for initial population and additional node randomization |
CUChromosomeToBTConverter | Converts a UBTChromosome into to an Unreal Behavior Tree |
CUCrossoverMutator | When applied to a chromosome, this chooses a second random chromosome to 'crossover' with. A random node in each is chosen, and the node in this chromosome is replaced by the node from the selected chromosome, along with everything under it |
CUCrossoverProbabilityParamMod | |
CUDepthBiasedCrossoverMutator | This performs the same function as CrossoverMutator. However the depth within the behavior tree that nodes are selected from is biased towards a variable set in the editor |
CUEvolvingBehaviorBlueprintLibrary | Helpful utility functions for using EvolvingBehavior in blueprints |
CUFitness | A fitness tracker, containing keys mapped to fitness values per key |
CUFitnessCalculator | An abstract base class for calculating fitness scores from a tracked Fitness object |
CUFitnessTracker | Tracks fitness for all members of a population. Can be asked for a fitness score |
CUFitnessUpdater | |
CUFloatGeneratedProperty | |
CUGeneratedProperty | |
CUIntGeneratedProperty | |
CULinearWeightFitnessCalculator | Calculates a data-driven linear combination of fitness values |
CUMultiRunNoOpModifier | |
CUMutatingReproducer | |
CUMutator | An abstract base class for a Mutator that changes a Chromosome in some way |
CUNodeMapper | Keeps a mapping of IDs to template BehaviorTree nodes |
CUParentSelector | An abstract base class for selecting parents |
CUPerturbPropertyInDecoratorMutator | Randomly modifies a property value in a generated decorator node |
CUPerturbPropertyInServiceMutator | Randomly modifies a property value in a generated service node |
CUPerturbPropertyInTaskMutator | Randomly modifies a property value in a generated task node |
CUPointProbabilityParamMod | |
CUPopulationManager | Tracks the population as a set of trials over time, providing information to individual members as appropriate |
CUPropertyDict | |
CUPropertyOwner | |
CURandomGen | Provides an easy wrapper for random number generation |
CURemoveGeneratedDecoratorMutator | Removes a random generated decorator node from the chromosome if one exists |
CURemoveGeneratedServiceMutator | Removes a random generated service node from the chromosome if one exists |
CURemoveGeneratedTaskMutator | Removes a random generated task node from the chromosome if one exists |
CURemoveMappedCompositeMutator | Removes a random mapped composite node from the chromosome if one exists |
CURemoveMappedDecoratorMutator | Removes a random mapped decorator node from the chromosome if one exists |
CURemoveMappedServiceMutator | Removes a random mapped service node from the chromosome if one exists |
CURemoveMappedTaskMutator | Removes a random mapped task node from the chromosome if one exists |
CURemoveRandomDecoratorMutator | Removes a random decorator node from the chromosome if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CURemoveRandomServiceMutator | Removes a random service node from the chromosome if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CURemoveRandomTaskMutator | Removes a random task node from the chromosome if one exists. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUReplaceGeneratedDecoratorMutator | Replaces a random generated decorator node in the chromosome with a random one from the TemplateCollection |
CUReplaceGeneratedServiceMutator | Replaces a random generated service node in the chromosome with a random one from the TemplateCollection |
CUReplaceGeneratedTaskMutator | Replaces a random generated task node in the chromosome with a random one from the TemplateCollection |
CUReplaceMappedCompositeMutator | Replaces a random composite node in the chromosome with a random one from the NodeMapper |
CUReplaceMappedDecoratorMutator | Replaces a random decorator node in the chromosome with a random one from the NodeMapper |
CUReplaceMappedServiceMutator | Replaces a random service node in the chromosome with a random one from the NodeMapper |
CUReplaceMappedTaskMutator | Replaces a random task node in the chromosome with a random one from the node mapper |
CUReplaceRandomDecoratorMutator | Replaces a random decortor node in the node mapper. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUReplaceRandomServiceMutator | Replaces a random service node in the node mapper. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUReplaceRandomTaskMutator | Replaces a random task node in the node mapper. Chooses between mapped and generated based on variable specified in the editor |
CUReproducer | The abstract base class for reproducing chromosomes into children |
CUSaveable | |
CUSaveEvolvingBehavior | |
CUSequentialParameterModifier | |
CUService | An abstract service class |
CUServiceInjector | |
CUSingleIDFitnessUpdater | An implementation of IFitnessUpdater for objects that send fitness events about a single ID to the FitnessTracker |
CUTopNFitnessSelector | Deterministically selects the top N most-fit individuals as parents |
CUTournamentSelector | An implementation of tournament selection, with a variable to set the number of members who participate in the tournament |
CUTrial | Tracks the population for a single generation/trial |